October 01, 2019 Dr Giacomo Zaccherini, new Visiting Fellow at the EF-Clif Dr Zaccherini is a Research Fellow in hepatology of the University of Bologna and carries out his clinical activity at the S.Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital

He has joined the EF Clif to conduct a research on the characteristics of different organ failures in patients with acutely decompensated cirrhosis, using the metabolomics data from the CANONIC Study cohort, under the auspices of the Grifols Chair during the next 6 months.

Dr Zaccherini has been trained under the mentorship of Prof. Mauro Bernardi and Prof. Paolo Caraceni and he is experienced in the clinical management of patients with decompensated cirrhosis. Joining the EF-Clif staff will be a great opportunity to acquire specific statistical and bioinformatic skills in the management of large databases and in the implementation of systems biology approaches in medical research.